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Cyber Safe and Bully Proofing Workshop for Teens

  • 22 Apr 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 301 Moodie Drive, Ottawa Safety Council
  • 4


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Cyber Safe & Bully Proofing for Teens

Two hot topics with parents, this workshop is designed to increase safety awareness when children are using the internet, as well as to explore the idea of bullying; what it is and how to prevent it.    “It is estimated that 2 out of 3 households in Canada have a computer and access to cyberspace, and 26% of kids ages 9 to 15 went to meet a friend that they met online without permission of their parents” (source: www.kidproofsafety.com)  

This 3-hour workshop, developed by Kidproof Canada www.kidproofsafety.com and facilitated by the Ottawa Safety Council, is interactive and hands-on with role-playing, and group discussion.

Cyber Safe (2 hours) – Covers the topic of internet safety.  Participants will learn:

  • Common definitions they will find on the Internet
  • Types of possible dangers found on the Internet
  • How to identify warning signs and how to safely respond to them
  • Responsibilities for safe surfing
  • Safe practice for chatting and Instant Messaging


Bully Proofing (1 hour) – Learn to avoid being bullied and if they are bullied, know how to stop it.  Participants will learn how to:

  • Define bullying and cyber-bullying
  • Recognize bullying behavior in different situations
  • React to bullying if they are being bullied
  • Avoid being a target
  • React if they witness a person being bullied
  • Develop empathy and celebrate uniqueness

Cost to participate $10 per teen.

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