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Siblings of Children with Special Needs: Unique Concerns and Opportunities

  • 09 May 2016
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Acculift Flooring, 675 Industrial Ave, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z1 (parking in the back)


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Siblings of Children with Special Needs: Unique Concerns and Opportunities

Special Guest Speaker:  Carol Dunn, Sibshops of Ottawa

** Please note that this talk is best suited to parents and adult siblings of persons with special needs. This particular talk is not meant for children. **

Date:  May 9th, 6:30-7:30 pm

Location: Acculift Flooring, 675 Industrial Ave, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z1   (parking in the back)

Cost: $5 per family

During this workshop we’ll discuss the concerns and opportunities frequently experienced by brothers and sisters of people with special needs. Participants will be able to share what they have observed in their own families or the families they serve. We’ll also learn what researchers, clinicians, and siblings themselves say about growing up with siblings who have special needs. This workshop will provide helpful insights into siblings’ issues across the lifespan.

This workshop is presented by Carol Dunn, who is the organizer and facilitator of Sibshops of Ottawa, which provides lively, action-packed workshops that celebrate the many contributions made by siblings of children with special needs in the Ottawa area.

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